About Us
“Kamurjshin” CJSC is one of well-known construction companies in Armenia. The main activities of the company are railway, road, pedestrian bridges, overpasses, road communication and other engineering constructions, as well as other building activities (hydro technical structures, civil and industrial buildings, etc.)
“Kamurjshin” CJSC is the only organization in the market of building constructions, able to produce 28m long pre-tensed reinforced - concrete beams, which are popular both in Armenia and in Georgia.
“Kamurjshin” CJSC apart from the above-mentioned production, is also one of the main suppliers of other reinforced - concrete constructions for transport construction in the Armenian market.
The company was founded in 1971 as a bridge constructing department in the pertinence of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the former USSR.
During its activity, the company constructed and reconstructed over 120 various objects of transport constructions - bridges, viaducts and road interchanges.
For the realization of the construction of the 2-layer bridge through the canyon of Hrazdan river(Nor Hachn bridge), most of the company workers were prized the laureate premium of the Soviet Committee of Ministers.
“Kamurjshin” CJSC is tightly cooperating with Yerevan Engineering University by training young specialists.
The company is a member of “The Union of Armenian Constructors” and an enthusiastic participator in working-out and investing in the range of legalized, normative and other acts in the construction sphere.
“Kamurjshin” CJSC owns an administrative building in Yerevan, production bases in Abovyan and Yerevan.
The experience that the company has collected, the reputation of a reliable partner, the highly-qualified personal, successfully implemented solutions in investing new technologies, technics and constructions allows “Kamurjshin” CJSC to remain one of the most competitive companies in the Armenian market of construction.
/ Construction in Armenia / Armenian construction companies / bridge construction /

During its activity, the company constructed and reconstructed over 120 various objects of transport constructions - bridges, viaducts and road interchanges.